Neighborhood Considerations

General Reminders

  • “Uncontained” Trash & Recycling continues to be an issue.
  • All trash and recycling must be stored inside you unit until Sunday night. Storing barrels outside your unit is not allowed.
  • Use covered bins or make sure everything is secure.
  • If a neighbor’s trash or recycling is “escaping”, please speak to your neighbor or email the Board
  • If there is something in the street or in your yard, please pick it up.
  • Do not put plastic bags in curbside recycling.
  • Mulching: The association mulches only those areas that are plainly visible from the street. The rest is up to you.
  • Do not flush baby/personal wipes, even though the packaging says you can.
  • Dogs waste must be picked up and properly disposed of. Dogs must be leashed at all times.
  • Dryer vents, furnace filters – Check them and clean them!
  • Change your batteries! Thermostats, smoke detectors, CO 2 detectors
  • Christmas decorations must be taken down January 9th.

Roads and Driveways – Year-Round

  • School Bus Parking Lot – Restricted to school bus drop-offs and pick-ups only, per Town of Milford
  • Neighborhood traffic safety – Signage, enforcement, further measures
  • General parking issues; By-laws require use of garage and driveway before parking on the street. Street is not to be used for routine parking.
  • Commercial Vehicles can only be parked inside your garage at all times.
  • All side street/cul-du-sacs are fire lanes/No Parking Zones per the Town of Milford.

Roads and Driveways – Winter

  • Winter overnight parking ban. If the Town of Milford issues a parking ban, we have one too.
  • Make sure you are in the Town’s Reverse 911 System.
  • Any vehicles parked on the street during a snow emergency may be towed at the owner’s expense.
  • Village Green will not plow your driveway if there are vehicles in it and they will not come back to plow it later just for you.

Playing by the Rules (& Regulations)

  • Written approval from the Board is required prior to installing swing sets, fire pits, install fencing, removing trees, or having work of any type done within your Exclusive Use Area. Refer to By-Laws for further information.
  • Written approval from the Board is required in advance prior to any work inside your unit that requires a permit from the Town of Milford.
  • All Homeowners are responsible for making sure their residents and guests adhere to the By-Laws.  All of the By-Laws can be found in your Condo Docs (Master Deed and Trust Document).
  • We know it’s boring but please read them, share them with your occupants, and adhere to them. It will avoid wasted time, aggravation and money.