
Welcome to the Zain Ridge Condominium Association website!

Zain Ridge is a 70-unit condominium complex consisting of 70 free-standing (detached) housing units. Seventeen (17) of these units are restricted to 55+ unit owners, regulated by the Town of Milford. Built between 2005 and 2010, the complex includes approximately 7/10 of a mile of roadways. There are two cul-de-sacs on each side of the main property. The condominium complex is adjacent to the Milford/Holliston Rail Trail, with a convenient entrance at the middle of the complex.

Zain Ridge Condominium Association is managed by a 5-member Board of Trustees, made up of Zain Ridge unit owners serving on a volunteer basis.

2023 Board of Trustee Members:

Sheila Kennedy – President
Mark Dumouchel – Treasurer
Patty Holland – Clerk
Scott Harding – Trustee
Steve Kramer – Trustee